March Update


Planning for this years Bicon is going really well with the team working really hard to get everything ready.

We have had some great session offers and we are really looking forward to getting the timetable ready so you can all plan what sessions to go to. If there is a session you would like to see at Bicon or you have an idea of a session you could facilitate please do send us a message and have a look at the sessions page on the website.


We have 62% of our Residential places booked. Bookings with accommodation need to be paid for by May 31st 2017. You can book now and pay a bit later or pay by installments, to do this send us an email to arrange it.


We are having a market place at the event, this will be around on Friday and Saturday, If you would like a stall to sell products or to advertise and inform please let us know so we can get this booked in. Keep an eye on our Market webpage for information on what stalls you could find at the event.